Trip to the South!
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Monday, 20 September 2010 00:30
Although we had planned to get another night train after the flight to Bangkok, we decided a night bus would be better in the long run as it was a night bus and ferry ticket all in one meaning we didn't need to worry about the ferry ticket nit once we got to Chumpong. So, the flight down from Chiang Mai was fine, and took us an hour to do what the night train took 16!!!! haha, oh well, it was much cheaper on the train. Then headed to the Ferry company office just off Khosan Rd, and booked up. Had a few hours to kill before 'check in' back at the office, so sat in a bar and watched the world go by, it's amazing all the people here, old and young, and inbetween, some have bought kids, which I find amazing!
We headed back to the office and got sorted out, then another hours wait, back to a bar! Eventually got on the bus, nice recliner seats and a blanket, and a TV on which they played The Prince of Persia, which was cool! It's a shame the last 10 minutes changed to being spoke in Thai, but it was a good movie all the same! We both slept well, which might be more to do with taking four pills instead of one! Haha!
Arrived at the ferry pier at 5am, and slept on a deck chair until time to board at 7.30am. The sun came up and we got on the ferry, which was about 2 hours, slept some of that too, great sleeping tablets!!!!!
Arrived, and were glad we had people waiting for us from our dive centre that we already booked over the phone in Bangkok, as there seemed to be the world and his wife clammering around to give us a taxi etc, crazy!
We were taken to the dive centre which has great reviews on trip advisor, and then shown our accomodaion. I was under the impression my roughing it had ended in the jungle, but that was not true! This is one step up, we are in a little bungalow, with a bed, a rack for one bag, a fan and a 'bathroom'! there is no flush, just a bucket of water, a sink with a tap that when you use spurts water out the bottom and gets you legs wet, and a cold shower! Wow, down to earth with a bang! I must admit I was a little grumpy at this, and took a while to get over it and get into the spirit of it, but now that I have it's all fine, and I actually find the shower quite refreshing! I am slowly realising that when we first arrive in a new place I take a while to adjust, but once I do I am fine! It was a very hot night in our little bungalow with no air con, and it's hotter here than in the North, but it was bearable and we both slept ok!
Had a good lunch and I am just about to go and laze on the beach
Best go and grab some beach time while I still can!
Sarah x
I am full of admiration Sarah and proud of you. The sea experience leaves me with a shudder. Give me a swimming pool any day. Completed Day 3 of our walking week and OH BOY!! my feet and legs. Some servere inclines up and down. Being by the sea is magical. Tomorrow I will think of you in it!!
Hugs to you both.
Carol XX