Today was an early start to be up and about for pick up at 8.45, to be taken to the Thai Farm Cookery School. It was about 45 minutes outside of the city, and we stopped on the way at a local market to pick up supplies. We filled out a form to decide what we wanted to cook, there were 5 'courses' and each had a choice of 3 dishes. T
he chef guy we had for the day showed us around the market and talked to us about the different ingredients we would come across during the day, and the different types of rice available. The market was a very funny place, with meat lying out (over ice, but still strange to see in this heat!), and various bits of animals we don't usually see, including chickens feet and whole pig heads! Once the guy had got all the supplies we needed we headed off to the farm which was in a very rural setting.
We were shown to our work stations and it was all very well run, with our in gredients
ready on a tray depending on what we were cooking. We all made a curry paste first, either green, yellow or red. I made green, while
Ben made yellow. It was lots and lots of bashing in a giant pestal and mortar! Ben made a fab paste, and mine wasn't too bad after an extra bashing from Ben!
After this we used the paste to make a chicken curry. It was so
easy! More time consuming than opening the jar of Thai Green Curry Paste from Tesco I usually use, but way better! I don't think I can go back now, and you can make a big batch that will keep in the fridge, so I think that's what I'll do, and we got given a recipe book too, so no excuses about forgetting it all after ten months!
We went on to make a soup which was tasty, but not our favourite thing. Then Ben made chicken and cashews, while I made chicken with basil. Both were yummy and I will definately be making mine again! I must admit, I can't believe we were able to make such tasty dishes from just a few simple ingredients, and believe me, they are tasty!!!
We the had lunch, which was of course, all that we had made! It was De
licious!!!!! Sooooo goooood! Ben's food is on the right mine on the left.
The guy had made jasmin rice, and sticky rice, which he showed us how to eat, you roll the sticky rice into a bitesized ball and dip it into your curry - great!!!! The food was so good, but we couldn't finish it all so took it in a doggy bag! After lunch, we made our dessert. I made bananas in coconut milk, which I had last night in a restaurant, and loved! Ben made sticky rice with mango. I will definately be making the bananas in coconut milk again when I am home, it was a real comfort food and I can imagine eating it on a cold night, as its a yummy warm pudding!
Finally we made spring rolls. I was really looking forward to
this bit as we have enjoyed eating them so much! We made the filling in
our woks, and then he demonstrated how to roll them, which is an art! I seemed to get on really well with this and was so chuffed! Ben did well but his were different sizes while mine were quite uniform! We deep fried them for about 30 se
conds until golden brown. Even Ben admitted that mine looked the best out of everyone's! I was so chuffed, as those of you who know me, this is a real achievement for someone with my culinary skills! So, when we get back Spring rolls are definately on the menu, as long as Ben lets me get a deep fat fryer! So, back at the hotel now, and just off to a second hand book shop where I can sell my book, and get a new one! We're flying to Bangkok tomorrow afternoon, and then catching the night train down to the South to visit the islands and do a Scuba Diving course. We probably won't have wifi in our rooms again for a while, so contact may be less frequent but will try our best! Will blog again as soon as I can! Was so pleased to hear from Mum and Carol how many people have been reading this, I really didn't think many would, and worried it might be a bit boring! Hope you are enjoying it, I certainly am, it's like a diary for me, and I feel like we are taking our friends and family along for the ride with us!
Love to everyone!
Sarah x
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