Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Wednesday, 15 September 2010 07:55
So this is a little late coming but a quick update of what we did on Sunday. Wouldn't usually bother catching up a day so long after, but saw something quite unusual! We decided to go and see the main temple here, (there are lots, but guide book says this is the one worth seeing), so headed to the old city, which has a wall all the way around. We walked through Tai Pae gate, the main gate in, and to the other end of the city. There we came across a lot of people, dressed in red shirts!
After standing and watching a while it became very obvious they were actually Red Shirts
(one of the political groups here, that rioted a few months ago,), and I was a bit nervous! They were blocking the whole main road and entrance to the temple, so we just stood on the edge with other people watching on.
Suddenly there was a big bang, which I instantly thought was a gun! But it was a flare! Lots went off, making me jump each time! Then everyone started crowding around, and got cameras out, a man got out of a big blacked out car with huge bodyguards and made his way towards the temple, big TV cameras and people taking his photo following him! It was all very strange.
Then, a huge procession came out of the temple gates. With big
red flags, and following it was a huge coffin high up on a vehicle, with red draped everywhere and a gold top. It was a bit disconcerting knowing what we do about the riots and unrest, and particularly the red shirts!
Ben got talking to a couple of young Thai teenagers, who explained to us that it was the funeral of one of the Red Shirts leaders. Later, we found out from the lady who runs our guest house, that he was assassinated a couple of months ago, in a drive by shooting with an M16 - she showed us the newspaper! All the red shirts followed the coffin along the street and disappeared out of sight, and the road cleared again. If we had been an hour later visiting the temple we would never have known anything!
The temple was very beautiful and ornate, but to be honest they are all very much the same. However, in Chiang Mai the monks actually live in them, where as lots of the Bangkok ones are not dwelling places. There was a monk sat very still at the front, facing us, and we were trying to work out if it was real or not. I was convinced it was real as it was so life like, and even after walking up to it as close as we could, we couldn't decide! Ben thought it wasn't, as he couldn't see it breathing, but I was convinced it was real! We walked out not knowing, but then I asked a lady selling flowers, and she showed me a sign, that said he was a wax model! Ha, he was SO lifelike. He was 93 when he died last year and was the head monk at the temple and was very important. I can't believe how real he looked!
Later Ben had a swim, while I looked at options for our days after the jungle trek. We decided to fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, and then catch a night train to the South, Chumpon, and then a boat to one of the islands, we will fly on Saturday!
We went out to the Saturday market which is more for locals, and had a look around. Then moved onto the night market, which is more for tourists. Had a wonder around, and then the heavens opened, it was crazy! Ran for cover, and found a little bar among the market, and sat for a drink. One of the locals said it would be raining for at least a couple of hours. Stayed inside for a while, and when it calmed, took a swift walk back in the drizzle to pack for our jungle adventure! Had to stop on the way for a few supplies, including toilet roll! Was definately feeling very apprehensive about the next few days!
Got back to the guest house and packed for our adventure! Then got to skype with Mum, Dad, Emma and Michael, and later Carol and Mike (Ben's Mum and Dad) which was great! Had lots to talk about, and was so good to see them! Loving this technology that makes us feel so much closer to home!
I will update you all on our jungle adventure tomorrow, really tired from it all, so off to bed now, but you'll be glad to hear we got back in one piece and had a great time! So glad for a comfy bed tonight, can't wait!
Night night!
Sarah x
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