Practice Pack!

Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Wednesday, 1 September 2010 12:55

Well, today I did my Practice Pack. After stressing and worrying about if for a few days now, it was starting to really concern me! So after building up the courage to go upstairs and begin, the first hurdle was not in fact packing, but dealing with a giant spider who had made my new backpack it's home! No point screaming, no one was home, so shaking and breathing deeply I had to carry the bag into the bathroom, spider scuttling over it, and throw it in the bath! That was nearly enough for me to give up before I had started!

So, spider disposed of, the packing began. Ben came home a short way into this and laughed, as I nearly cried! It was not looking good! Only toiletries and and a few bits and bobs and it looked nearly full, and I had packed no clothes! But after a deep breath, and lots of compact rolling, I started to feel a little better as it all went in. Then Emma came to evaluate the situation, which was looking much more positive! So, the practice pack was not as stressful once I got going, and in fact I have packed everything without having to be too ruthless, and I can still pick up my bag!! Yay!

Just Ben left to pack now, but he's usually got about a tenth of what I take so we should be fine! I'm off to have my pedicure tomorrow, a lovely gift from my gals from the Marjon days - thanks girls!

5 days to go!
Sarah x

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