Day 3 in Bangkok
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Thursday, 9 September 2010 04:32
I'm sat writing this by the poolside in our beautiful hotel while Ben is having a swim, and this will be the last evening of luxury for a while, me thinks! We got up and lazed
around this morning, using our time to plan our next steps while we still have fast internet and a nice room! Plans decided, we set off to Siam Square, where there are many many shops, and it's near the train station. We were both starving hungry and desperate for something a bit familiar, enjoying the food here lots, but sometimes you just fancy something greasy and full of carbs! Saw signs for a KFC and got very excited, followed them, but found oursleves in a random building with no KFC, tried again, and were about to give up, when we spotted it! Yay, had a zinger meal and even though the chips were cold, it was good!
Found it difficult to orientate oursleves when trying to find the station, so hopped in a taxi and he got us there for so cheap it's totally worth it when you have no idea where you're going! Turns out it would have been quite a walk anyway! Had no trouble booking the night train for tomorrow night (nerves, but no trouble!) as everyone here speaks enough English and they are really helpful! So, we're booked on the 7.35pm 2nd class train tomorrow to Chiang Mai, which gets in around 9.30am the next morning! Must get sleeping tablets tomorrow!!! It is practically the length of the big chunk of Thailand, and takes longer than the flight to get from England! Both of us are wondering what to expect and are admittedly a little bit scared!!!! We've looked up places to stay and we know roughly where we're going, and most seem to have wifi so should be able to blog again in a few days, so you can read all about the night train!
Got a TukTuk back to Siam Square and saw the aftermath of a motorbike crash, people making a big circle around him lying on the floor, while the crazy traffic carried on at pace! It was pretty horrible! There seemed to be a medic of sorts there, trying to help, and others held jackets up to make shade and fan him. As we drove past we saw a lot of blood and a bone sticking out of his leg - drove past the ambulance on it's way towards them - this is a crazy place to drive, looking forward to leaving that part behind!
We went to the biggest shopping centre I've ever seen, called the MBK Centre, it had 7 floors, and was absolutely huge, the top floor contained a cinema, bowling alley and karaoke bar - it's massive! Wondered around enjoying the air conditioning for a bit, and bought a t-shirt each! Mine is a Little Miss Tidy one, saw it and had to have it!!! Had a wonder around Siam Square, which is more shops lining the street!
Came back to the hotel as we were both hot and our feet were achey and tired, we've travelled a lot these past few days! So, I'm back where I started and Ben has just got out of the pool, so best be off, hopefully find somewhere nice for dinner!
Hopefully blog again in a few days, when we're settled in Chang Mai!
Sarah x
Found it difficult to orientate oursleves when trying to find the station, so hopped in a taxi and he got us there for so cheap it's totally worth it when you have no idea where you're going! Turns out it would have been quite a walk anyway! Had no trouble booking the night train for tomorrow night (nerves, but no trouble!) as everyone here speaks enough English and they are really helpful! So, we're booked on the 7.35pm 2nd class train tomorrow to Chiang Mai, which gets in around 9.30am the next morning! Must get sleeping tablets tomorrow!!! It is practically the length of the big chunk of Thailand, and takes longer than the flight to get from England! Both of us are wondering what to expect and are admittedly a little bit scared!!!! We've looked up places to stay and we know roughly where we're going, and most seem to have wifi so should be able to blog again in a few days, so you can read all about the night train!
Got a TukTuk back to Siam Square and saw the aftermath of a motorbike crash, people making a big circle around him lying on the floor, while the crazy traffic carried on at pace! It was pretty horrible! There seemed to be a medic of sorts there, trying to help, and others held jackets up to make shade and fan him. As we drove past we saw a lot of blood and a bone sticking out of his leg - drove past the ambulance on it's way towards them - this is a crazy place to drive, looking forward to leaving that part behind!
We went to the biggest shopping centre I've ever seen, called the MBK Centre, it had 7 floors, and was absolutely huge, the top floor contained a cinema, bowling alley and karaoke bar - it's massive! Wondered around enjoying the air conditioning for a bit, and bought a t-shirt each! Mine is a Little Miss Tidy one, saw it and had to have it!!! Had a wonder around Siam Square, which is more shops lining the street!
Came back to the hotel as we were both hot and our feet were achey and tired, we've travelled a lot these past few days! So, I'm back where I started and Ben has just got out of the pool, so best be off, hopefully find somewhere nice for dinner!
Hopefully blog again in a few days, when we're settled in Chang Mai!
Sarah x
So pleased you having an amazing time. Have I said this already? Tou are soooooo lucky.
Hope the train was ok... Happy sleepy thoughts coming your way
Helen (no idea why it insists on calling me Bob xx