The Night Train to Chiang Mai
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Saturday, 11 September 2010 07:00
Well, the much anticipated journey on the night train across practically all of Thailand happened last night! We started the day in our lovely hotel, packing up and preparing ourselves! I also got to Skype and FB chat with two of my great friends, both Rachels in the USA - what a treat!
We got a taxi to the train station and checked our bags into left luggage for the day, still 6 hours until the train to kill! Yesterday we hatched a plan to stay out of the heat in the airconditioned cinema in the massive shopping centre we visited! This was a great plan, but only films on in English were The Expendables or Resident Evil, as Ben had seen the former, we had to watch the latter! Not my first choice of film! I am so so so glad I refused to watch it in 3D, there was enough screaming at the jumpy bits in 2D! After loads of ads, all in Thai, everyone began to stand, and I suddenly remembered I'd read in the guide book that the National Anthem is played at the begining of all movies, and you must stand as a mark of respect, and EVERYONE stood, it made me wonder what the yobs of our culture would have done, there doesn't seem to be any of that here!
So, after the film we made our way to the train station and got the bags and waited. A Thai man came up to speak to us, starting the conversation by commenting on how short Ben was, and where was he from, he could hardly believe he was from England, and called him a pigmy! He chated to us for ages, saying he wanted to practise his English, which seems a common thing here. As we waited and chatted, we saw a cat chase a mouse through the station! I asked the Thai man if he was travelling on the train, he replied that he liked to come here for an hour a night to watch the TV screen, he was really sweet.We went to find our train at about twenty mins before it was due to leave, it was already there, so we got on. Once we settled ourselves we took a few pics, and Ben went outside to take some. A few min
utes later the train began to move, my stomach lurched, and I was banging on the window like a maniac, thinking I'd be on the way to Chiang Mai on my own! Ben ran to get on board, and we needn't have worried, as it was going so slow he would have been fine, but I still took a few moments to regain my composure!
We ordered our dinner from a lovely lady, who had definately not been a lady all her life, and she set the table up for us. Had a chicken and cashew nut meal, and settled in for the ride. It was dark outside, so not much to see. At about 9.30 they came around to make the beds. It was all very clever, and our area became two bunks, each with a curtain across, ready for bed!
Was woken by Ben at about 8.30am, breakfast to be in half a hour, so got down and ready for them to make into chairs again! Train was supposed to get in about half nine, but as we passed a station we saw the name, and after looking on the map it became apparent we had quite a way to go! Our lovely 'hostess', who seemed to take a shine to Ben, informed us it was another two hours! S/he motioned to Ben at his IPod, and began flicking through his music, and chatting! S/he asked if he had his charger, but we showed her/him it was only a USB port charger, so s/he carried on listening to Ben's music and played Lady Gaga! S/he disappeared for a while and came back asking to borrow the charger for 20 mins as s/he'd found a USB port! S/he was so grateful.
Eventually we got to Chiang Mai after over 16 hours! Carrying our bags, we found a phone booth and began to phone a few of the places in our guide book. While Ben was doing this a lady approached me with a brochure, saying 350Bahts a night, which is just over £7, and it looked really nice. She sadi she'd take us there and we could look around with no obligation, so we decided to even if just for the free ride! When we got there, it was absolutely fine, and had a pool, (a real plus point for Ben!), we asked for aircon, so room was a bit more, but still great value! Had a quick look on and it got fine reviews, so we think we did ok!
Had a little explore around the city and had a yummy rice dish, I really like the food here! Another Thai man started speaking to us, commenting that Ben looked like Buddha! He seems to be a real conversation stater here! He was really friendly, and told us he was a Thai Boxer, here for his last fight! A few moments futher down the street a man asked where we were from, and said Ben looked like Buddha! Ben is proving very popular here, everyone wants to talk to us! We went to the tourist info place where you can book tours, to find our about the treks and cookery courses. It seems like we will be doing a three day, two night Trek (starting Monday) through the jungle, and staying with a hill tribe, riding elephants through the jungle, taking a bamboo raft down the river, and then finishing with white water rafting! Then on Thursday we'll be doing a Thai cookery course in someone's house! It all sounds fun, and a little bit scary, but I'm kind of getting used to it now!
We've just spent the evening in an Irish pub that was playing the football so Ben was a happy bunny! Had a great meal, proper pub grub, they even sold pie and mashed potato! Off to bed early tonight as we have some sleeping to catch up on, in fact Ben has fallen asleep beside me! I can't put the pics up tonight, as we locked the camera in the safety deposit box downstairs, so will put them in tomorrow!!!
Hoping to Skype with my Mum and Dad and Emma tomorrow, which will be great! I am so glad for all this technology, it is amazing!
Sarah x
What a delight to read your blog Sarah. AND what a delight to see how well Ben goes down with the locals!! Must be that wee bit of Irish blood in him.
Modern tecnology helps to narrow the gap between us. Much love Carol. X