Scuba Day Two
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Friday, 24 September 2010 20:28
So today I woke up and felt so nervous I has silent tears running down my face before I'd even got out of bed. Ben gave me a big hug and told me I could do it, but I was petrified. I felt like we'd wasted money and I wasn't even going to complete the course, it was miserable. We went off for breakfast, and then to school for the morning. It seems silly now, but the whole time I was feeling so fragile, and was at the point of crying all morning. Did all our academics fine, and then went for lunch.
Came back and got on the little boat that took us to the big boat, still feeling terrified. I really enjoy diving, and we only have to learn the skills for if an emergency were to happen, which is highly unlikely, so I knew if I could get through this I would be ok to dive, as I would hopefully never have to take my mask off again! Gaz briefed us about the no mask swim and the other skills, including taking the BDC and weight belt off under water, and then putting it back on again (keeping mask and regulator in, so no worries for me!), and getting our bouyancy perfect to achieve neutral bouyancy, where you just hover in the water, not sinking or floating, again, not a worry to me, as I'd still be able to breath! As long as I have my mask and regulator in, I'll give anything a go! We did our final 'confined dive' in the shallows, about 4 metres down this time. It came round to do the no mask swim, and I'm even feeling jittery now I'm writing about it! I took my mask off, and closed my eyes and held my nose, and was breathing though my mouth regulator fine, Gaz said it was fine to keep eyes closed and he would guide me for the swim, which I did. The next part is where it all falls down! Putting the mask back on, my nose feeling a bit of water, which it feels the instant need to inhale, and the the coughing, spluttering and panicking that ensues! Gaz wrapped his legs around me and wasn't letting me go anywhere, so calmed and breathed through my mouth, had trouble clearing my mask of water, as I was panicking and breathing out of my mouth not my nose, but eventually did it! I was SO glad that was over! After this we came up to the surface and I was absolutely overjoyed! The terrified feelings had gone, as I had done it, and hopefully will never have to again! They say masks can come off when kicked off by accident by the fin of someone in front of you, so I will just be extra cautious to always be a few feet behind everyone!
We then surfaced and got back on the boat, which had fresh pineapple and yummy cookies for us to eat, Ben is a big fan of the cookies, and can't seem to get enough of them, I wonder if that's why he's doing his advanced course now!
Really enjoyed our second open water dive, to about 14 metres. Had to do a few skills at the bottom, but no mask removal, so all fine and dandy!!! After skills were done I was really able to relax and enjoy diving properly for the first time, it was awesome!
Once we were done, I asked Gaz what we had to do tomorrow, our last day. Both of tomorrow's dives were deep ones, as we'd completed our confined dives, and so had to show all the skills we had done in confined, in the deep now, which was a bit of a shock. He told me that I'd have to do a mask removal down at 18 metres. When he saw the look on my face, he said I could do it at five metres, but not at the bottom, it would have to be on the acend rope, bobbing around, so I had a decision to make. Knew I could do it, as I'd done a no mask swim today, but still a bit daunting! Didn't feel nearly as bad though, as I had done this skill, and knew I could do it again, if with a little choking and flailing!
We asked Gaz for a good place to eat and he suggested a few places which we chekced out, and came across a really good deal, strip steak and chips and a drink for 4 pounds! Sat down, and it was a really nice place, with real fabric napkins again! When it arrived, it was no strip steak, it was actually a big juicy lump that looked more like fillet, and we think it was, it was absolutely beautiful, and cooked perfectly, what a treat!!!
Had to go back to our bungalow to do some homework, yes homework! It was actually quite taxing, as involved learning how to use the dive tables to work out dive times, and pressure groups, and how long to leave between each dive, it was quite funny, Ben and I working out our answers and then comparing, and if different working through together to see what we had done! Eventually we went to bed in our oven, ready for another long day!
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