Australia Zoo
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Saturday, 11 December 2010 20:46
So, I was given a direct order by my mother today. I am a good boy so will do as I’m told and write a blog entry.
I woke up nice and early to the sound of birds singing, I lay there and thought of home… My daydream was quickly ruined by a growling noise! Sarah has a bad cold! So I got up and had a shower and washed my hair. Sarah finally got up and showered, we both had a bowl of Cheerios and got ready for our day at AUSTRALIA ZOO. This is one of the places I’ve been looking forward to going to the most, as I’ve seen a lot of Steve Irwin’s shows over the years. It’s just a shame he wasn’t going to be there.
A moments silence for the Crocodile Hunter please.............................................................................................
We arrived shortly after the zoo had opened, it didn’t seem that busy. Once we’d got through the gates we sat and decided what we’d like to see during the day. They have lots of shows and feeding sessions. We decided that we’d go and see Wildlife Warriors show, the one with all the crocodiles. It started at 11 so we had a couple of hours to kill. We went and had a look at the alligators, they were all basking in the sun. It was bloody hot already! We had a slow walk up to where the snakes are kept. They have one of all of the dangerous Australian snakes. The world has 22 species of venomous snake, 18 of them live in Australia! The wombats were next door, my dad used to call me a wombat sometimes so it was interesting to see what I look like! Eleven o’clock arrived so off we went to the Crocoseum to watch the show. They brought in a lot of different animals for us to see. The last one was the crocodile. The keeper (Steve Irwin wannabe) messed around with it for a bit, baited it with dead rats and showed us how crocs attack, it was pretty cool to watch. After that we had some lunch, I had a chicken sandwich and Sarah had a ham one, which was nice. After lunch we went and fed the kangaroos, they sell the food in vending machines then you just go and find a kangaroo in their massive enclosure and see if she’s hungry. The first one we found was not hungry she just ignored us! We walked a bit further and found three having a rest by the billabong, which was nice. These girls were h
ungry! You put some food in your hand and they just munch it off your palm. That was pretty cool! We’d never fed a kangaroo before. The only problem was that even though I’d just had lunch I became very hungry! I just wanted to eat them! Kangaroo is very tasty! Koala land was next, they have an area where you can stroke a koala, we both had a go at this, which was nice. We managed to spot one up a tree with a baby hanging off of it. Sarah thought this was very cute. The final thing we wanted to see was t
he tiger show, we’ve both become pretty interested in tigers since we’ve been away. They have three Bengali tigers, pretty big ones too! The keepers were playing games with them with balls and stuff making them jump up trees and in the water. Amazing to watch!
On the way back to Gunther we wondered through the Steve Irwin museum. I never realised how much conservation work he did over the years! I just thought it was all an act for TV. There were a lot of tributes around the place. He was obviously a very popular man in Australia, the government even named a road after him!
On the way back we managed to avoid a massive traffic jam, which was nice! We stopped at a supermarket and bought some stuff for dinner. 40 king prawns and a kilo of steak for 15 bucks! Bargain! So that’s pretty much it. A good day! Shame about the weather now though! It’s pissing it down!
Jealous mucho , but so glad your both having a fab time!!!! and great you kee us all updated with your traels, thank-you for sharing ! x x x