Friday Again!

Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Friday, 10 December 2010 02:12

I had another great morning with the wrinkles today! We went for our morning walk, which was lovely in the sunshine! When we got back I said hello to Charlotte and her friend Vera. We talked about how good the concert was yesterday, and Vera told me a story about one Christmas when she and her husband were somewhere different, and a Father Christmas came on a boat and gave out presents, and how she had always remembered it as it had been a different Christmas than usual! She said she had looked at me during the concert and thought how this was such a different Christmas for me, and that I would always remember that moment, which I thought was so sweet! I think I will have to write to Charlotte and Vera when we leave here, they are so lovely! After morning tea I helped out with the Bingo in the sunshine unit, which was fun! Jenny called the numbers while I darted around helping those that needed it! Then I took a turn calling, which was funny! There was one old lady, Rona, who is so funny, she was taking the mic out of my accent when I said any ‘teens’ number! There was a sad moment when Billie, one of the ladies came in with her son, and he was leaving, and she was asking him where she was. He told her that this was where she lived, and she looked completely bewildered, it was so sad for them both. I distracted her by asking her to help me put the bingo balls in the right place which I think helped. Being a volunteer here is so rewarding, but also so sad at times. I was collecting the bingo cards at the end, and had to break up a little fight between the Rona and a man on her table, he was trying to be helpful and collect the boards on his table, but she wasn’t going to let him have hers, they were both pulling it back and forth yelling at each other just like little kids! It was funny, but also so sad, they were once adults who would have been appalled at such silly behaviour and there they are doing that. After I’d sorted them out, I helped clean out two of the residents bird cages and fed the fish! On my way out I went and said goodbye to Charlotte and Vera who were so happy to see me, it was lovely! I am hoping to spend a bit more time with them next week!

Did a bit of shopping for our packed lunch for tomorrow when we are hoping to head to Australia Zoo, and then headed back and had a tidy up. Sat on the porch and read my book for the afternoon which was lovely! I picked Ben up and we were going to head to a community event called ‘Christmas under the stars’ that was happening in the local park. It was from 4pm, with free rides, stalls, face paints etc, and a nativity scene with real baby animals! We were planning to check it out, and maybe get something to eat, and then head back to our cabin, and go back for the fireworks and outdoor movie later. I had been looking forward to it all week! However, as we drove in there was a big sign saying it had been cancelled due to inclement weather. It was such a shame as the weather was actually perfect for it, but it had been so bad earlier in the week, and the weather reports weren’t good, so they had obviously had to make a decision and stick to it. I was gutted! So, we ended up getting a bottle of wine and having curry which I froze from Monday which was good, and watching Polar Express which was on TV, followed by Christmas with the Kranks. It was a lovely evening, it was just a shame about the fireworks and outdoor movie! Oh Well! Hoping to go to Australia Zoo tomorrow if the weather isn’t too bad! Fingers crossed!

1 Response to "Friday Again!"

carol.oneill2 Says:

Some sunshine at last for you. Hope it continues for your zoo day.
Your voluteering is so good Sarah in many ways. Well done. Big hugs for the weekend.XX

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