Walking with Seals!
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Monday, 2 May 2011 23:55
We got up on Saturday and went for a walk along the coastline to see the seal colony that live there. We had much more success at this than with the dolphins! We drove to the carpark, and there were seals lazing around on the rocks right in front of us! The more you looked, the more you saw, they camouflage so well with the rocks! There were only a few,
so we did the walk over the cliff top to see if we could find anymore. The walk was up hill to the cliff top and then all the way along. We could see seals down below, so took a little track than ran down the cliff side which was pretty daunting! When we got down there, there were so many more seals than we had seen from the top! They were all sunbathing and lounging around. It was easy not to see them, and acidentally get too close while looking at one, there might be one right beside you! But they give you a little growl to warn you off! Ben got some good pictures, and then we traversed the rocks back to the carpark.
We t
hen drove to Nelson, which was quite a long drive, but a very picturesque one! We got to the information centre at 4.05pm, and found it shut at 4pm!!! So finding the campsite was a bit trickier than usual! After phoning to get directions, we were none the wiser, but got there in the end! Had a relaxed evening, caught up on some washing and watched a DVD.
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