Day two on Fraser Island!
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Sunday, 17 April 2011 00:48
We got up super early at 6.30 and made a quiet exit from the fancy tent both feeling a bit worse for wear! No one was around, so we made our way to the car to dump our stuff and snooze in there! One of the guides, Jake, was also just getting up and looked across and saw us, but said nothing, but I was pretty sure we'd been clocked! Had a nice snooze in the car, and then everyone started to get up, and Luke the other guide beeped the horns for those who weren't yet awake! Each group got out their food and equipment and got to making breakfast. While he went to boil the kettle, Luke asked Ben where we had slept last night, Ben told him 'in a tent!', we were rumbled! They were cool with it and actually thought it was quite funny, so we were off the hook! Everyone was feeling a bit worse for wear, so a trip back to Eli Creek was really nice! I even went in the water and it was so refeshing, and nice to have a wash as no shower at the camp! We spent an hour there and the sun was out and we had a great time! Just as we were about to leave the heavens opened and we all bundled into the car!
We drove to a little village area for lunch, and Ben and I decided to go to the pie shop as the girls in our dorm at the hostel had told us they were really good! We also thought it might be funny to see what the boys would do when we didn't make their lunch for them. It was quite funny, they waited around for ages, expecting the others to get everything out, but the two Swedish boys also went for pies, and Kim made her own as she was also a bit fed up with them, so they finally realised they'd have to make their own and clear up after themselves! The pies were really good and it was nice to have a little treat.
After lunch we headed to Lake Wabby and it was my turn to drive. I got in the car and turned the key, only to find it wouldn't work!!! All the cars drove off and we were left behind! The biys were telling me just turn it, as if it was me just being dumb, but when the guide realised we weren't following and came back and had a go himself, he confirmed it was buggered! Luckily they have a great relationship with the island's mechanic, and he came and sorted it for us, we just had to use plyers to turn the ignition instead of a key! So, finally off we went, driving was great fun, especially along the beach with the waves right beside you, it was amazing! It was only a five minute drive to the Lake which was a nice little practice run!
Parked up along the beach and they told us the lake was a 40 minute walk away. Got chatting to a couple of British girls, Louise and Laura on the way which was nice. To get to the lake we had to climb down a HUGE sand dune, it was spectacular but the pictures just don't do it justice! Ben had a swim, and I paddled, and then we sun bathed as the sun had come out again! After Lake Wabby we headed back to the cars. we were driving to the camp when we stopped and Luke told us about Pippies. We got out and had a look for them in the sand. They are shelled creatures that look like a tongue, you can spot them in the sand as they leave a circular print, and if you just dig a little you can find them. Luke told us all to get one, and then we had a race! You place your Pippie on the sand, and they bury themselves again, some took a really long time, but eventually the tongue bit comes out and they dig down! He told us that Aboriginal people used to eat them, so we collected some to try later! Luke and Jake had been to the camp area and errected some tarps across trees to make a cooking area for the night which was great! We turned up at our camping spot for the night which was a bit more rustic than the night before! We divied up the jobs, so Ben, Kim and I made the dinner, while the boys put up the tents, which worked well. Dinner took a while as the gas didn't get very hot so boiling water for rice etc took ages, but we got there in the end. It was really delicious, an asian sauce stir fry with lots of veggies and mixed up with rice. The evening was a lot more chilled out, everyone feeling a bit tired and worse for ware from the night before! Ben and I went to our tent about 10.30pm, and found that half of the flysheet was blowing off, it seemed that the biys had picked the windyest worst place to pitch and had also not pegged down very well! Luckily we had a torch, so we pegged down more securely and bunked down for the night. It was pretty uncomfortable, just sleeping bags and pillows, and the ground was not soft! We had to turn and lie the other way half way through the night, as the wind was blowing the whole side by our heads in and over us so it was touching us and as it was raining that would have been a bad thing! We both also ended up with a lot of sand over us, as the wind blew up the fly sheet and the sand, which blew through the net layer and dumped over our faces!!!! We did manage to get some sleep and it was all part of the experience!!
We all got up around 7am when the car horns were blown! Sorted breakfast and packed up the tents etc and then it was my turn to drive again, this time to Lake McKenzie. The guides told us it was the bumpiest roughest part to drive, so I was quite nervous, but in the end it was great fun! Ben was right at the back with Sircan and they were bumping around all over the place! It was really sandy
and boggy at parts but the car was great and we got through it all! Lake McKenzie was absolutely stunning! It is a fresh water lake, but looks like the most beautiful turquoise sea with the white sand, gorgeous! The water looked so inviting that even I went in! It was so refeshing and not cold at all once you got used to it!
After about an hour and a half we had to head back to the cars, and Johannes drove back along the rough track, Ben and I bumping around in the very back! We went back to the little villlage for lunch again and Ben and I opted for the easy option of pies again as we were a bit fed up with the two boys and thought we'd leave them to it! Then we drove back to the ferry and headed back to the mainland. When Kim got back in the car to drive that last leg the key wouldn't work! All the other cars had left, but eventually realised we weren't off and came back! Jake had a go at bashing it around, (something to do with moving a gold thingy?), and luckily managed to do it, and off we went again! Once we got back to the depot we were all briefed about what needed to be done, washing up, put tents away, brush sand out of cars etc, basically they said all hands on deck, so we got to it. Ben had to have a stern word with the two usual culprits who stood there whinging about cleaning up and didn't lift a finger, they still didn't do much, but everyone else got on with it and we all mucked in to get it done! We headed back to the hostel and said our goodbyes, and then drove to Tin Can Bay only half an hour away. It was so nice to have a shower, wash my hair and feel clean and dry! We had another little cabin for the evening, and both slept really well!!!!
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