Western Australia!
Posted by Sarah O'Neill , Saturday, 6 November 2010 01:25
Well, it's certainly been a while since I have done this! I did startwriting the blog on Word while we were away a few times but we had to be really scrimpy with the laptop battery and so gave up, and wrote in my journal. So the whole trip is written in my diary, which anyone can borrow when we're back!
We had an amazing trip, driving around 3500km in all! We drove up to Exmouth, and Cape Range National Park, stopping at some amazing places on the way, and then headed back to
Perth stopping at some different amazing places! It was really good fun and we both had a brilliant time! Some days were a lot of driving and fun in the van, while others we spent time in different beauty spots and snorkelled and sunbathed. Our favourite place was definately the Cape Range National Park which we stayed in for 2 nights, it has the most amazing beaches and snorkelling and was a really spectacular place to stay! We met loads of interesting people on our way and saw some amazing sights! I cannot possibly write about it all, I would be here all day! After 3 days on the road we still hadn't seen a kangaroo, then we saw one, but sadly it was dead by the side of the road, which became a common sight. We did see lots of live ones while staying in the National Park and they came quite close! On our way back from Exmoth we counted over 160 dead kangaroos on the roadside, one of the reasons we didn't drive at night!
We returned the Wicked van on Tuesday 3rd November and spent the rest of the day in Perth. We visited the Kings Park which was a lovely big park on the edge of the city centre. We did our washing back at the YMCA, Skyped with Carol and Mike and packed our bags for the morning. The next morning we were just packing the last bits and bobs when the fire alarm went of in the YMCA! So we had to trapse all the way down 10 flights of stairs and stand outside with all the other residents, some of whom were a bit strange! Thankfully all the drama only lasted 10 minutes, so we were able to get back upstairs, finish packing and get our taxi to the airport on time!
Our flight was fine and we were greeted by Sam holding a sign with "WooWa welcomes the O'Neillssss!" we headed back to the car and caught up on everything on the way to their apartment. Their apartment is amazing, it has a lovely spacious open plan living area and a big balcony. Kelly was there to greet us and we had a really nice evening catching up and chilling out!
On Friday Kelly had work, but Sam didn't, so he made us bacon sandwiches and we lazed around and the boys played Fifa11. Sam took us to the local shopping mall so we could get ourselves sorted with Medicare and open a bank account. After we'd done all our errands we had lunch and then Sam took us to a cheesecake shop where we bought two halves of amazing cheesecakes for dinner!
Kelly cooked us a great dinner and we had the yummy cheesecakes for afters! Had a chilled out evening and watched a movie, it's really nice to be in a 'home' again! But in a funny way it's making me miss being home more than I have, I guess it's because we have been so far removed from proper 'homely' environments so you just don't think about it!
Sarah x
Well done Sarah - you've BLOGGED. Good read which has followed me watching the amazing photos on Flickr with the tigers. Love your time with Kelly and Sam.
BIB hugs!! XX